

“Our India is not just a geographical subcontinent, with Natural bounties and mineral deposits. Our country represents a distinct civilization, which has lived gloriously for millennia, with not alone material prosperity but also an inestimable inner spiritual affluence, that far excels all worldly possessions.”

– Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha


“It is important that in our thoughts and dissemination of National values, their eternal relevance should be preserved, by dissociating them from any undue religious biases. Religions may come and go, but values never go time-barred, as they relate to the mind and intelligence, which do not change their structure.”

– Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha


“To love the country is not just to love a geographical subcontinent. It is instead to foster a deep fondness and allegiance to its Cultural Values and Heritage. No country, Government, or institution will be able to function with integrity, unless it takes up the Value Inculcation Pursuit with timely concern and attention.”

– Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha


“Understand that cultural cohesion is the spinal chord of our intrinsic unity and strength. Cultural patriotism alone empowers us to transcend customary and linguistic diversities and accomplish national goals. This cultural bond, forged by values, inspiration and nationalism, is what we have to enthrone in our people to reinforce the country and march forward with invincible confidence.”

– Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha


“Public goods and services can best serve India when users have a sense of belonging, and national pride towards such facilities, and exhibit behaviour in conformity with this intrinsic value system.”

– Dr. E. Sreedharan


“Individual’s character and quality, determine National behaviour, like a cell’s in the aggregate body. Educational system is the crucible to mould and shape the citizenry at any time. But alas, even after 60 years of independence, we have not evolved a National value-enriching Educational process. As a result, the epidemic of greed and possessives has become widespread. Fissiparous tendencies are too rampant. Unless we arrest these trends by adequate curative and preventive steps, the Nation’s soul cannot be saved……”

– Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha


“Do not blame the Government at all. The people alone constitute the Government. Government’s lapses are our own insufficiencies. Parliament is elected by us. Its failure is our failure itself………”

– Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha