Value Education -A Teachers’ Manual For Grade IV – V

In spite of various commissions and policies, our traditional and national values do not get translated into actionable programmes. It is important to understand that education and values go hand-in-glove together and are inseparable from the goals of education. It is with this end in view, that this manual on Value Education has been prepared by FRNV for educating primary school children.
FRNV promotes those National Values which are already embodied in the National Flag, the National Motto, ‘Satyameva Jayate’ (Truth Alone Triumphs) and the Fundamental Duties as enshrined in the Constitution. Some of these values are eternal: Truth, Non-violence, Righteous conduct and Preservation of natural abundance and vitality of the earth. Other Values which we promote are Contemporary Values. These are: Justice, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, Sensitivity, Teamwork, Discipline, Responsibility and Respect for self as well as others.
To read these books online, please follow the link:
Value Education Manual for Class 4-5 (English)
Number of Pages: 70
Language: English