Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
Poojya Swamiji’s interactions with the Corporate Executives has helped management thinkers increasingly shift their focus to incorporating spiritual values into organizational culture. Poojya Swamiji says, “Indian values, tried and tested over millennia, have a strong relevance and effectiveness in this scenario. A proper assessment of the abundant potential of the human mind, which is the source of every performantial skill, becomes paramount.”
Poojya Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha, a knower of the Supreme Truth, is a well-known Saint of the “Tirtha” lineage of Adi Sankara. For over 50 years, Poojya Swamiji has been traveling throughout the world like a moving university, enthralling and exposing the audiences to a rational interpretation of our spiritual treasures like the Bhagavadgeeta, Sreemad Bhagavatam, the Upanishads and other spirituo-philosophical works.
One significant aspect of Swamiji’s mission is the religio-cultural revolution brought about in Kerala by organizing mass-movements to stop some of the age-old derogatory and illegal practices prevailing in the name of religious rituals and festivals. Some famous temples were freed from barbarous and vulgar indulgences, and some others from unfair caste discrimination.