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How you can be a part of FRNV? This is a call to every citizen of this country, who feels proud of being an Indian…

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FRNV invites Friends and Members of FRNV to volunteer for committees on Value Based Education(VBE), Administrative…

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Factoids & Highlights
Only by upholding truthfulness as the fundamental value, can we ensure the welfare and stability of the society as well as the individual. Like fire, truthfulness must shine in our hearts radiating its light and power through our thoughts, words and actions.
Hence we have as our motto: “satyaan-naasti paro dharmah” – There is no greater power of sustenance than Truth.
Audio & Video Sessions on…
Values based education workshop at Richmondd Global school, paschim vihar, new delhi on 27-5-2024
Workshop was organized at the school. About 52 teachers from primary class to class 12 attended.
Principal ms. Poonam jha welcomed
FRNV team. Shri Ashwani kumar briefed about FRNV and the need for values based education. Dr Sharda kumari, Head, VBE Task Force, FRNV conducted an interactive workshop. Dr.
Renu Bhatia and Dr Anushree Ghai presented their thoughts. It was well received by the participating teachers.
Values are to be lived and teachers are role model for the students and the Society at large

Values based education workshop at Richmondd Global school, paschim vihar, new delhi on 27-5-2024
Workshop was organized at the school. About 52 teachers from primary class to class 12 attended.
Principal ms. Poonam jha welcomed
FRNV team. Shri Ashwani kumar briefed about FRNV and the need for values based education. Dr Sharda kumari, Head, VBE Task Force, FRNV conducted an interactive workshop. Dr.
Renu Bhatia and Dr Anushree Ghai presented their thoughts. It was well received by the participating teachers.
Values are to be lived and teachers are role model for the students and the Society at large
Sadness could not depress me as my heart was full with my lord`s presence
#vlaues #ethics #devotion #valuesandus #frnv

Sadness could not depress me as my heart was full with my lord`s presence
#vlaues #ethics #devotion #valuesandus #frnv
This value dictum lays down that the wealth acquired or inherited by the noble, are to be liberally employed for ‘the service of people’, society.
#nationalvalues #culturalvalues #ethics #valuesandus #frnv

This value dictum lays down that the wealth acquired or inherited by the noble, are to be liberally employed for ‘the service of people’, society.
#nationalvalues #culturalvalues #ethics #valuesandus #frnv
There is only one emotion by which everybody and everything can be owned, and that is ``LOVE"
#values #love #trueemotions #valuesandus #frnv #magurupriya

There is only one emotion by which everybody and everything can be owned, and that is ``LOVE"
#values #love #trueemotions #valuesandus #frnv #magurupriya
To stimulate awareness among all members of society, about the importance of the Duties of Indian citizens.
#nationalvalues #culturalvalues #ethics #valuesandus #frnv

To stimulate awareness among all members of society, about the importance of the Duties of Indian citizens.
#nationalvalues #culturalvalues #ethics #valuesandus #frnv
To imbue on the basis of our common heritage, moral and ethical values and principles, that foster civic sense, concern for others and the environment, in members of all sections of society.
#nationalvalues #culturalvalues #valuesandus #frnv

To imbue on the basis of our common heritage, moral and ethical values and principles, that foster civic sense, concern for others and the environment, in members of all sections of society.
#nationalvalues #culturalvalues #valuesandus #frnv
We aspire to serve as the Torch-bearer and standard setting organization for social values, ethics and responsible living.
#nationalvalues #culutralvalue #ethics #nation #valuesandus #frnv

We aspire to serve as the Torch-bearer and standard setting organization for social values, ethics and responsible living.
#nationalvalues #culutralvalue #ethics #nation #valuesandus #frnv
To enrich your life means to fill your mind, body and soul with experiences that teaches and challenges you.
#selfenrichment #swamibhoomanandatirtha #narayanashram #values #frnv #valuesandus

To enrich your life means to fill your mind, body and soul with experiences that teaches and challenges you.
#selfenrichment #swamibhoomanandatirtha #narayanashram #values #frnv #valuesandus
Human embodiment is meant to gain the treasure of values. Preserve the body with nourishing food, exercise and rest, employing it more in the service of others than for your own needs.
#values #National #ethics #valuesandus #frnv #nationalvalues

Human embodiment is meant to gain the treasure of values. Preserve the body with nourishing food, exercise and rest, employing it more in the service of others than for your own needs.
#values #National #ethics #valuesandus #frnv #nationalvalues
"Pearls of Wisdom``
Spirituality ensures that you have joy in whatever you do not; that you get joy when the job is completed and you get rewarded.
#spirituality #values #swamibhoomanandatirtha #narayanashram #valuesandus #frnv

"Pearls of Wisdom``
Spirituality ensures that you have joy in whatever you do not; that you get joy when the job is completed and you get rewarded.
#spirituality #values #swamibhoomanandatirtha #narayanashram #valuesandus #frnv
Together, these make an exquisite triangle encompassing all our National values, and FRNV draws its inspiration from this ocean of strength.
#nation #styamevjayate #culture #values #ehics #valuesandus #frnv

Together, these make an exquisite triangle encompassing all our National values, and FRNV draws its inspiration from this ocean of strength.
#nation #styamevjayate #culture #values #ehics #valuesandus #frnv